Literary Essay on The Outsiders


The book “The Outsiders” by S.E. Hinton takes place in Texas, cold at night and warm during the day. Ponyboy, a boy different from the others.  Ponyboy is shy and does his homework he gets good grades and doesn’t get into trouble. Ponyboy just felt left out, Steve and Dally thought he was always in the way. And on day Ponyboy couldn’t take it anymore so he said “Johnny I’m going to run away are you cumin with me.” And in this story the main theme is good things happen to good people.

From the beginning of the book, the details and descriptions show that there is always some type of fighting or arguing between the socs and greasers. Or each other in the gang “Me and Darry just don’t dig each other. I never could please him. He would have hollered at me if I brought home B’s, he wanted A’s, and if I got A’s, and he wanted them to stay A’s. If I was playing football, I should be studying, and if I was reading, I should be playing football.” this line shows that, Ponyboy, it turns out that he tries but it never turns out perfect for his big brother, Darry. But in Darry’s perspective he’s hollering at Ponyboy because he wants him to have good grades and do good in school. But to Ponyboy, Darry doesn’t care about him.

Even when Ponyboy was in the safety of the gang he still felt left out . Steve Randle, Sodapops best bud since grade school didn’t like Ponyboy. “Steve, he thought Ponyboy was a tag-a-long and a kid; Soda always took Ponyboy along  with them when they went places if they weren’t talking to girls, and that bugged Steve.” But Ponyboy liked all of them no matter what.

In the Middle of the book, is when Ponyboy, Johnny, and Dally went to the movies they met two girls named Cherry and Marcia. Dally kept annoying them so unexpectedly Johnny spoke up and told Dally to leave them alone, after that Dally left. “After the movie was over it suddenly came to us that Cherry and Marcia didn’t have a way to get home.” “So we walked to Two-Bits house to pick up the car to drive the girls home. While walking to Two-Bits house Ponyboy realized that “Johnny and I each other without saying anything. “Nobody but Soda could really get me talking.”

After Taking Cherry and Marcia home, Ponyboy and Johnny hung out at the lot. They both ended falling asleep and Johnny woke up Ponyboy and told his he better go on home before Darry gets worried. Ponyboy went on home and found Darry siting on the arm chair and Soda stretched out on the bed. When Ponyboy walked in and Darry started hollering at him and asking him where he had been, Soda tried to stand up for him but made Darry more angry and Darry started hollering at Soda. ” He should never yell at Soda. Nobody should ever yell at my brother. I exploded. “You don’t yell at him!” I shouted. Darry wheeled around and slapped me so hard that it knocked me against the door.” Everyone was in shock even Darry. Ponyboy ran as fast as he could out the door he could hear Darry screaming “Ponyboy I didn’t mean to!”

Since then Ponyboy And Johnny ran away to the country, for accidentally killing Bob. They ate baloney for days and stayed in an old abandoned church in Windrixville on Jay Mountain. They stayed there for five days until Dally showed up. Johnny wanted to go to the police and tell them that he killed Bob for self-defense.  They went back to the abandoned church and found a crowd of people standing around they church cause it was on fire. Then a random lady yelled “The kids are in there!” So Ponyboy ran right in to the church through a window with Johnny following behind him. They saved the kids. Ponyboy made it out and Dally had to get Johnny out because a piece of timber fell on Johnny’s back.

In this book it is partly Johnny’s and Ponyboy’s fault. Johnny didn’t have to kill Bob. It was also Ponyboy’s fault for suggesting to run away. They also ran away to the country instead of going to the police. And Changing their identity can make it worse. So either way it was everyone’s fault. And if Johnny didn’t go into that fire he would of survived and Dally would have not been shot.


At the send of the book, poor Johnny died in the hospital, and Dally got shot and also died. Ponyboy realized that Dally couldn’t live without Johnny. And Johnny was the only one that Dally ever loved and, Dally is a tuff guy and has a heart of stone but not for Johnny. And the gang goes to a rumble’ the socs vs the greasers. And the greasers won.


In this book I don’t understand why the author let Johnny die it’s not fair for him to just die after saving seven or eight kids, yeah maybe he did kill someone but, it was for self-defense. It was mostly Bobs fault for telling one of his friends to drown Ponyboy. In Johnny’s position he must have been terrified. Some people would be like Johnny deserves to die but for real he saved kids from a fire, he gets abused by his father, his mother doesn’t care and, he is a very shy kid and stays out of trouble. Both Ponyboy and Johnny are really good kids and didn’t deserve anything of what happened to them to me it’s not fair. Even Bob doesn’t deserve to die he just wanted to make his parents stop giving him everything he wanted and treat him like a normal senior instead of a rich kid.

Introductions To The Outsiders

In the book the outsiders the first setting is the movie theater.  On page 1-2, Ponyboy talks about how its uncomfortable when he goes to the movies with someone. He thinks it feels like having someone read your book over your shoulder. Ponyboy also talks about how is oldest brother gets bored to death when he is watching a movie. and his second oldest brother cant sit still long enough to watch an hour long movie. Some other settings in the book is pony’s house and the lot.

in the book the outsides Ponyboy wants to run away so  Johnny comes with him when they ran away the Socs the west-side rich kids came and jumped Pony and Johnny and it went to far. So Johnny and Pony run farther out in the country so the police cant find them. Ponyboy gets worried and scared and Johnny seems nervous about being by them selves.

My First Cross Country Meet

During the evening a Blackhawk middle school cross country meet was taking place. A young teenage girl running in her first meet, filled with anticipation all at the sametime. Waiting for the opposite team to get there, stretching trying to make the time pass faster. Practice sprints when the school Jefferson walks in with bright orange shirts some with pants some with shorts.  Listening to students at Jefferson talk to themselves saying “They are awful we are so going to win.” The young teenage girl, DeLaney thinking to herself “What are they talking about we have so many more people than they do and faster people to”. Annoyed she keeps running knowing she’s going to do great. When waiting for the third school to get to the meet we wait while Jefferson practices on the track. Then Tolls the other middle school gets here we have to give them a minute to stretch. So we waited until like 3:10 to start the race. It was about fifteen minutes until the race started. Mrs.Godfrey one of Blackhawk’s couches said “All the girls in all three schools come to the starting line.”  DeLaney’s heart was beating fast. Blackhawk’s girls lined up on the far left of the sidewalk. Jefferson’s girls lined up in the middle of the sidewalk and Toll’s girls lined up on the far right. Mrs. Godfrey said “When I blows my whistle that is when you girls can start running. If someone falls within five feet from the starting line I will blow my whistle as many times as I can, and everyone will have to stop running. Are all of you girls ready.” “Yes!” everyone said. On your mark, get ready, set……… GO! Mrs.Godfrey yelled.Related image And all the runners took off. DeLaney ran at a pace that she could stay in the whole entire race. “This is harder than it looks” DeLaney thought while running. DeLaney is about three fourths done of the first lap when she runs . She runs around the corner now on the little loop while she hears the crowd cheering for Blackhawk. One more lap of the big loop and little loop than the track. As she runs passing two people that go to Tolls. DeLaney is on her last lap of the big loop she’s out of breath, exhausted , her legs and feet in a lot of pain. “You got this you got this.” DeLaney says to herself. She turns the corner that goes to the little loop she sees her sister, Savannah, a head up by a tree, DeLaney speeds up to get side by side with Savannah. Savannah says “Hi!” “Hi! You’re doing fantastic.” DeLaney said. “Thanks.” Savannah says back. As Savannah starts walking DeLaney says I’m going to keep running.” “ok.” Savannah says. As DeLaney is running past Mr. Millage he says “Pass those two Jefferson girls.” She nods her head like she’s saying ok. She speeds up at a normal run, when she gets on the track. As she gets closer to the finish line DeLaney speeds up to a sprint. And passes the two Jefferson girls. As she passes the finish line, sweat dripping down her face from so much heat and running. A man gives her a Popsicle stick with what place she got. “Come on 48 place I am so bad at cross country.” And as she walks by a girl she gives DeLaney a red, white, and  blue ribbon. But at the end DeLaney learned that trying new things is great. And Blackhawk ended up winning, everyone felt like victory.

My First Cross Country Meet

During the evening a Blackhawk middle school cross country meet was taking place. A young teenage girl running in her first meet, filled with anticipation all at the same time. Waiting for the opposite team to get there, stretching trying to make the time pass faster. Practice sprints when the school Jefferson walks in with bright orange shirts some with pants some with shorts.  Listening to students at Jefferson talk to themselves saying “They are awful we are so going to win.” The young teenage girl, DeLaney thinking to herself “What are they talking about we have so many more people than they do and faster people to”. Annoyed she keeps running knowing she’s going to do great. When waiting for the third school to get to the meet we wait while Jefferson practices on the track. Then Tolls the other middle school gets here we have to give them a minute to stretch. So we waited until like 3:10 to start the race. It was about fifteen minutes until the race started. Mrs.Godfrey one of Blackhawk’s couches said “All the girls in all three schools come to the starting line.”  DeLaney’s heart was beating fast. Blackhawk’s girls lined up on the far left of the sidewalk. Jefferson’s girls lined up in the middle of the sidewalk and Toll’s girls lined up on the far right. Mrs. Godfrey said “When I blows my whistle that is when you girls can start running. If someone falls within five feet from the starting line I will blow my whistle as many times as I can, and everyone will have to stop running. Are all of you girls ready.” “Yes!” everyone said. On your mark, get ready, set……… GO! Mrs.Godfrey yelled. And all the runners took off. DeLaney ran at a pace that she could stay in the whole entire race. “This is harder than it looks” DeLaney thought while running. DeLaney is about three fourths done of the first lap when she runs . She runs around the corner now on the little loop while she hears the crowd cheering for Blackhawk. One more lap of the big loop and little loop than the track. As she runs passing two people that go to Tolls. DeLaney is on her last lap of the big loop she’s out of breath, exhausted , her legs and feet in a lot of pain. “You got this you got this.” DeLaney says to herself. She turns the corner that goes to the little loop she sees her sister, Savannah, a head up by a tree, DeLaney speeds up to get side by side with Savannah. Savannah says “Hi!” “Hi! You’re doing fantastic.” DeLaney said. “Thanks.” Savannah says back. As Savannah starts walking DeLaney says I’m going to keep running.” “OK.” Savannah says. As DeLaney is running past Mr. Millage he says “Pass those two Jefferson girls.” She nods her head like she’s saying OK. She speeds up at a normal run, when she gets on the track. As she gets closer to the finish line DeLaney speeds up to a sprint. And passes the two Jefferson girls. As she passes the finish line, sweat dripping down her face from so much heat and running. A man gives her a popsicle stick with what place she got. “Come on 48 place I am so bad at cross country.” And as she walks by a girl she gives DeLaney a red, white, and  blue ribbon. But at the end DeLaney learned that trying new things is great. And Blackhawk ended up winning, everyone felt like victory.

My First Cross Country Meet (Rough Draft)

During the evening a Blackhawk middle school cross country meet was taking place. A young teenage girl running in her first meet excited and scared all at the same time. Waiting for the opposite team to get there, stretching trying to make the time pass faster. Practice sprints when the school Jefferson walks in with bright orange shirts some with pants some with shorts.  Hearing them talk to themselves saying “They stink we are so going to win.” The young teenage girl DeLaney thinking to herself “What are they talking about we have so many more people than they do and faster people to”. Annoyed she keeps running knowing she’s going to do great. When waiting for the third school to get to the meet we wait while Jefferson practices on the track.

Then Tolls the other middle school gets here we have to give them a minute to get stretched. So we waited until like 3:10 to start the race. It was about fifteen minutes until the race started. Mrs.Godfrey one of Blackhawk’s couches said “All the girls in all three schools come to the starting line.”  DeLaney’s heart was beating fast. Blackhawk’s girls lined up on the far left of the sidewalk. Jefferson’s girls lined up in the middle of the sidewalk and Toll’s girls lined up on the far right. Mrs. Godfrey said “When I blows my whistle that is when you girls can start running. If someone falls within five feet from the starting line I will blow my whistle as many times as I can, and everyone will have to stop running. Are all of you girls ready.” “Yes!” everyone said. “Ok! On your mark, get ready, set……… GO!” Mrs.Godfrey yelled.

And all the runners took off. DeLaney ran at a pace that she could stay in the whole entire race. “This is harder than it looks” DeLaney thought while running. “When people say Oh I can do that um… no u can’t.” She’s about three fourths done of the first lap. She runs around the corner now on the little loop while she hears the crowd cheering for Blackhawk. One more lap of the big loop and little loop than the track. As she runs passing two people that go to Tolls. DeLaney is on her last lap of the big loop she’s out of breath, tired, her legs and feet hurt. “You got this you got this.” DeLaney says to herself.

She turns the corner that goes to the little loop she sees her sister, Savannah, a head up by a tree, DeLaney speeds up to get side by side with Savannah. Savannah says “I feel bad for Maddie she might have an asthma attack.” “I know.” DeLaney said. As Savannah starts walking DeLaney says I’m going to keep running.” “ok.” Savannah says. As DeLaney is running past Mr. Millage he says “Pass those two Jefferson girls.” She nods her head like she’s saying ok. She speeds up at a normal run, when she gets on the track. As she gets closer to the finish line DeLaney speeds up to a sprint.

And passes the two Jefferson girls. As she passes the finish line a man gives her a popsicle stick with what place she got. “Come on 48 place I am so bad at cross country.” And as she walks by a girl she gives DeLaney a red, white, and  blue ribbon. But at the end DeLaney learned that trying new things is great.

i am a reader

The last book i read is Firefly Lane. it was a really good book. it was about two girls one named Kate and the other Tully. They became best friends in high school.  It tells you about both of there lives from a child to an adult. Tully didn’t have parents growing up but Kate had both parents. and its goes on from rich and famous Tully to Kate the stay at home mom.